The insects They are a type of animal belonging to the kingdom of arthropods, characterized by having the body protected by an external skeleton (called exoskeleton), with the legs and the body in an articulated way. For instance: bumblebee, lacewing, earwig.
The insect body, then, it is characterized by being divided into head, thorax and abdomen, in addition to a pair of antennae, one or two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs.
The insects are normally of very small size, although they can reach up to 20 centimeters in length. The largest are those that live in tropical areas, especially jungle areas, because they receive a large amount of sunlight that allows plants to grow and store carbon. Plants are the central food of insects, although some feed on other animals that are easy to catch.
Classification of insects
A common classification that is made on insects is in different orders:
- First order. The first-order insects are the Coleoptera type, such as beetles. It is the group that contains the largest number of species, with two pairs of wings. In some cases they attack food crops.
- Second order. Those of the second order are those of the dictator type, such as cockroaches. They also usually have two types of wings, and in some cases they are considered pests.
- Third order. The third order (diptera) are flies, with a single pair of wings that helps them fly. They are considered serious pests.
- Fourth order. The mayfly is the main family of fourth-order insects, which only survive a couple of days to mate and lay their eggs, as well as being harmless to humans.
- Fifth order. Those of the fifth order are from the Leipidoptera group, like butterflies and moths, which have two pairs of large wings and are considered a serious pest because they are responsible for the destruction of crops.
- Sixth order. Those of the sixth order are ants and bees, most of which have two pairs of wings. Some can leave painful and poisonous bites.
- Seventh order. Dragonflies and damselfies are the seventh order insects, whose larvae live in water. They eat insects.
- Eighth order. Grasshoppers are the main ones of the eighth order, the eighth, with two pairs of long wings although some do not have wings.
- Ninth order. The ninth order is made up of the stick insects, which have mouthparts for chewing.

Examples of insects
Ant | Wasp | Springtails |
Wax moth | European hornet | Oleander aphid |
House fly | Gray grasshopper | Cicada |
Ant-lion | Warrior ant | Aquatic scorpion |
Mallow bug | Castor silkworm | Termite |
Asian hornet | Bovine horsefly | Stable fly |
Migrating lobster | Red Ant | Graveyard beetle |
Tiger mosquito | Dung beetle | Cabbage bug |
Butterfly bird wings | Firefly | Owl butterfly |
Bumblebee | Seven point ladybug | Silkworm |
Dog flea | Rhinoceros beetle | Cabbage butterfly |
Lacewing | Earwig | Vulgar dragonfly |
Water beetle | Clothes popilla | Praying mantis |
Dung fly | Cricket | Woodworm |
Cockroach | Egyptian lobster | Silverfish |
Scorpion | Mole cricket | Mealworm |
Bee | Scorpion fly |
Importance of insects
Among all the insects concentrated around the 70% of the planet’s species, although many of them have not yet been cataloged.
The importance of insects in ecosystem it is total, and some studies affirm that without them, life on our planet could not survive more than a month. Perhaps the most important of its functions is pollination, without which many species could not reproduce.
Insects also serve as food for many species (birds and mammals) and have a function of recycling and removal of dirt, or dead organic matter.