35 Examples of Values ​​(and their meaning)

The values they are the principles by which a person, a group or a society is governed. Values ​​are abstract concepts, but they are manifested in qualities and attitudes that people develop. For example: self-control, compassion, openness, integrity.

In a society there are differences in values ​​between different groups, according to social classes, ideological orientations, religion and generation.

Even a person can adopt different values ​​at different times in his life.

Examples of values

  1. Joy. Having joy as a value implies a positive attitude even in the face of negative situations in life.
  2. Altruism (generosity). Altruism as a value is reflected in the selfless search for the happiness of the other.
  3. Learning. The ability to learn not only allows one to improve oneself and develop new skills, but is also based on respect for the knowledge of others.
  4. Self-control. Considering self-control as a value implies developing the ability to control one’s own impulses. This can be beneficial to others when one’s impulses are aggressive or otherwise negative.
  5. Autonomy. Those who consider autonomy to be a value will try to fend for themselves and gain the ability to make decisions without depending on others (independence). Autonomy is associated with freedom.
  6. Capacity. To have capacity or competence is to have developed certain skills. It is considered a value to choose participants for certain group tasks, including jobs. Capacities are developed through learning and improvement.
  7. Charity. Share what one has and others lack. Charity is not only expressed through the material, but can share time, joy, patience, work, etc. Therefore, it is not necessary to have many material resources to be charitable.
  8. Collaboration. Participate in collective efforts without taking into account the personal and individual benefit but the benefit for the entire group or community.

Team collaboration.  Skydiving.

  1. Compassion. Having compassion as a value implies not only being aware of the suffering of others, but also avoiding harshly judging the faults of others, considering the limitations and weaknesses that led to committing them.
  2. Empathy. It is the ability to understand the feelings and thoughts of others, the situation that other people go through even if it is different from their own.
  3. Effort. The energy and work involved in achieving goals. It is associated with perseverance.
  4. Happiness. The attitude that points to the enjoyment of life. Taking it as a value instead of an objective or a state that depends on the circumstances, allows pointing to that attitude despite the situation of each person.
  5. Fidelity. A value can be considered as the predisposition to follow the commitments followed with a person, a series of principles, an institution, etc.
  6. Frankness. It is the expression of sincerity.
  7. Justice. To consider justice as a value is to seek that each one receives what he deserves.
  8. Honesty. Who has honesty as a value not only avoids lying but also their behavior is consistent with what they say and think. Honesty is associated with integrity.
  9. Independence. The ability in different aspects of life to act and think without depending on others.
  10. Integrity. Righteousness, coherence with one’s own values.
  11. Gratitude. Recognize those who have helped us or benefited us, even unintentionally.

Collaboration.  Climbers.

  1. Loyalty. It is the development of a sense of responsibility towards the people and groups to which we belong.
  2. Mercy. It is the attitude that leads to compassion for the suffering of others.
  3. Optimism. Optimism allows us to observe reality considering the most favorable possibilities and aspects.
  4. Patience. The ability not only to wait but also to understand one’s own and others’ weaknesses.
  5. Perseverance. It is the ability to continue striving despite obstacles. It is associated with patience, but requires a more active attitude.
  6. Prudence. Those who consider prudence to be a value, take into account the consequences of their actions before carrying them out.
  7. Puntuality. Punctuality can be considered a value because it is a way of complying with what has been agreed with other people. It is associated with respect and responsibility.
  8. Responsibility. Comply with accepted obligations.
  9. Wisdom. Wisdom can be considered as a value to be achieved, since it develops throughout life. It is the set of broad and deep knowledge that is acquired through study and experience.
  10. Overcoming. Those who have improvement as a value try to improve themselves in different aspects of life, including the ability to be consistent with their own values. Overcoming is associated with learning.

Overcoming.  Values.

  1. Sacrifice. Although the capacity for sacrifice depends on altruism and solidarity, at the same time it exceeds them. Sacrifice is not only sharing or collaborating, but losing something of one’s own and necessary for the good of others.
  2. Simplicity. Simplicity is not looking for the superfluous.
  3. Sensitivity. It is the ability to connect with one’s own and others’ feelings. Sensitivity can also be associated with the ability to connect with art in its different forms.
  4. Tolerance. Having tolerance as a value implies accepting the opinions and attitudes of others, even if they go against one’s own values.
  5. Service. Service can be considered a value as the ability to be available to others and be useful to them.
  6. Sincerity. Express your own feelings and thoughts as they really are.
  7. Solidarity. It implies getting involved in other people’s problems, collaborating with the solution. That is why it is associated with collaboration.
  8. Will. It is the attitude of trying to do certain things or achieve certain goals.
  9. I respect. It is the ability to accept the dignity of others. In some cases, respect is associated with submission or distance.

I respect.