100 Examples of Species

It is understood by species to a group or set of living beings (animal or plant kingdom) that share customs, habits and physical features similar to each other and different from others. A species also has the ability to mate or interbreed and produce fertile offspring. For example: animals, bacteria, molluscs, fungi.

Species share the same group of DNA, which makes organisms of the same species recognize each other because they resemble each other.

Walruses (animal species)

Scientific nomenclature rules

The nomenclature rules that correspond to the scientific classification indicate 5 different types of species:

  • Animals
  • Plants
  • bacteria
  • Virus
  • cultivated plants

Within each of these species, it is possible to determine several subclassifications or subspecies. Subspecies is understood as an incipient or developing species. The subspecies have similar anatomical, physiological and behavioral characteristics with respect to the species to which they belong, but they may have other different characteristics of adaptability to the environment. For example, the Mexican wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf.

How does a species differ from a subspecies?

From the scientific study it is easily recognizable since, although the species has one or two names, a third name is added to the subspecies. Continuing with the example of the gray wolf species, it receives the nomenclature canis lupus, while the subspecies of the Mexican wolf is mentioned as Canis lupus bayleyi (or Baileyi).

Another way of understanding the definition of species

Although there is no globally accepted definition regarding the concept of species, the following way of classifying living beings that includes 29 species different, within which it is possible to categorize different subspecies with various families or groups.

For example: that of a lion and a dog. Both are within the animal species, but belong to different families: the lion (Panthera leo) belongs to the Felidae family, while the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) belongs to the canidae family.

Examples of species

Agnates: 116Crustaceans: 47,000Mosses: 16,236
Green algae: 12,272Spermatophytes: 268,600Others: 125,117
Amphibians: 6,515Gymnosperms: 1,021Fish: 31,153
Animals: 1,424,153Ferns: 12,000Vascular plants: 281,621
Arachnids: 102,248Mushrooms: 74,000 -120,0004Plants: 310,129
Archaea: 5,007Insects: 1,000,000Protists: 55.0005
Birds: 9,990Invertebrates: 1,359,365Reptiles: 8,734
Bacteria: 10.0006Lichens: 17,000Tunicates: 2,760
Cephalochordates: 33Mammals: 5,487Viruses: 32,002
Chordates: 64,788Molluscs: 85,000

Subspecies of the animal species

Acanthocephala: 1,150Echinodermata: 7,003Nemerthea: 1,200
Annelid: 16,763Ichiura: 176Onychophora: 165
Arachnid: 102,248Entoproct: 170Pauropoda: 715
Arthropoda: 1,166,660Gastrotrich: 400Pentastomide: 100
Brachiopoda: 550Gnathostomulida: 97Phoronide: 10
Bryozoa: 5,700Hemichordata: 108Placozoa: 1
Cephalochordata: 23Bugs: 1,000,000Platyhelminthes: 20,000
Chaetognatha: 121Kinorhyncha: 130Porifera: 6000
Chilopoda: 3,149Loricifera: 22Priapulid: 16
Chordata: 60,979Mesozoa: 106Pycnogonida: 1,340
Cnidaria: 9,795Mollusca: 85,000Rotifera: 2,180
Crustacea: 47,000Monoblastozoa: 1Sipuncula: 144
Ctenophora: 166Myriapoda: 16,072Symphyla: 208
Cyclophora: 1Nematode: <25,000Tardigrade: 1,045
Diplopoda: 12,000Nematomorpha: 331Urochordata: 2,566

Subspecies of the plant species

Amborellaceae: 1Equisetophyta: 15Marchantiophyta: 9,000
Angiosperms: 254,247Eudicotyledonae 175,000Monotyledons: 70,000
Anthocerotophyta 100Gymnosperms: 831Mosses: 15,000
Austrobaileyals: 100Ginkgophyta: 1Nymphaeaceae: 70
Bryophyta: 24,100Gnetophyta: 80Ophioglossales: 110
Ceratophyllaceae: 6Ferns: 12,480Other conifers: 400
Chloranthaceae: 70Lycophyta: 1,200Pinaceae: 220
Cycadophyta: 130Magnoliidae: 9,000Psilotals: 15
Dicots: 184,247Marattiopsida 240Pterophyta: 11,000

Subspecies of the protist species

Acantharia: 160Dicthyphyceae: 15Myxogastria: >900
Actinophryidae: 5Dinoflagellate: 2,000Nucleohelea: 160-180
Honeycomb: 11,500Euglenozoa: 1520Opalinate: 400
Amoebozoa: >3,000Eumycetozoa: 655Opisthokonta
Apicomplexa: 6,000Eustigmatophyceae: 15Other amoebozoa: 35
Apomonadida: 12Excavate: 2,318Parabasalia: 466
Arcellinide: 1,100Foraminifera: >10,000Pelagophyceae: 12
ArchaeplastidaFornicate: 146Peronosporomycetes: 676
Bacillariophyta: 10,000-20,000Glaucophyta: 13Phaeophyceae: 1,500-2,000
Bicosociety: 72Haplosporidia: 31Phaeothamniophyceae: 25
Cercozoa: <500Haptophytes: 350Pinguiophyceae: 5
Choanomonad: 120Heterokontophyta: 20,000Polycystinea: 700-1,000
Choanozoa: 167Heterolobosea: 80Preaxotyla: 96
Chromist: 20,420Hyphochytriales: 25Protosthelia: 36
Chrysophyceae: 1,000Jacobida: 10Raphidophyceae: 20
Ciliophora: 3,500Labyrinthulomycetes: 40Rhizaria: >11,900
Cryptophyta: 70Lobosa: 180Rhodophyta: 4,000-6,000
Dictyosthelia: >100Mesomycetozoa: 47Synurophyceae: 200

Subspecies of the species fungi and lichens

Ascomycota: ~30,000Basidiomycota: ~22,250Others (microfungi): ~30,000