The force of gravity It is one of the fundamental interactions that govern the universe and that makes objects and living beings remain fixed on the earth’s surface, by virtue of an attraction towards the center of the Earth. For instance: the falling of the raindrops, the flight of the birds, the firing of any projectile.
On the one hand, gravity can be described as gravitational force field that acts on massive bodies attracting them to each other. On the other hand, it is common to refer to gravity as the acceleration with which bodies are attracted to the Earth. This acceleration has an approximate value of 9.81 meters per second squared.
If the acceleration of gravity were greater, objects in free fall would take less time to reach the ground and our walking, for example, would be more difficult. If, on the other hand, it were less, we would walk as in slow motion, since it would take more time for each foot to return to the ground. This was evidenced when astronauts walked on the Moon where gravity is less.
By the geometry of the Earth, at the poles the force of gravity is somewhat greater (9.83 m / s2) and in the equatorial zone it is somewhat lower (9.79 m / s2). Jupiter’s gravitational field is much stronger than our planet’s, while Mercury’s is much weaker.

Gravity scholars
Due to its complexity and difficulty of analysis, the study of gravity consecrated the most important scientists of humanity. Chronologically, Aristotle, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were responsible for the most important contributions in this regard.
Undoubtedly the last two are highlighted, the first for providing the relationship between the intensity of the attraction with respect to the distance between the attracted objects and their masses, while the second was the one who discovered that matter and space work together, matter distorting space, which generates a force of gravity. Both theories were widely developed with mathematical formulations and are considered today as one of the most important in the history of science.
Examples of the force of gravity
The action of gravity happens all the time. Here are some examples that show it:
- The simple act of standing anywhere is due to gravity.
- The fall of the fruits of the trees.
- The great waterfalls at the falls.
- The translational movement that the moon makes around the Earth.
- The force that must be exerted when riding a bicycle in order not to fall.
- Falling raindrops.
- All the constructions that human beings made remain standing and on the surface due to gravity.
- The deceleration that a body undergoes when thrown upwards is due to gravity.
- The movement of a pendulum, and any kind of pendulum movement.
- The difficulty of jumping the more weight one has.
- Amusement park attractions.
- The flight of the birds.
- The journey of the clouds in the sky.
- Virtually all sports, particularly shooting for a basketball hoop.
- The firing of any projectile.
- The landing of an airplane (where gravity is partially compensated by the lift force.).
- The force that must be done when carrying something heavy with the body.
- The indications of the balance, that is, the weight of a body, is nothing more than its mass due to the acceleration of gravity.