Examples of Thematic Files

The thematic cards they are texts that record, in an abbreviated form, the main aspects of a topic. This tool allows you to organize information to consult it, file it, study it or present it. For example: the textual tabs.

The thematic sheets detail the subject and the origin of the information, that is, they include the author, the work and the genre. For example: Padura, Leonardo: The man who loved dogs. Novel. Cuban literature.

The information on the cards can be presented in two ways: with textual fragments of the work or with a summary of the content of the work. Its content is always short.

This instrument should be easy to locate. To do this, they are classified by topic and numbered.

Content of the thematic sheets

  • Record number. It is used to keep them in order. It is usually located in the upper right margin.
  • Subject or title and author of the work. If the content alludes to a specific topic (for example: biofuels, French cinema, Latin American boom), this should be used as title. On the other hand, if it refers to a book, the work and the author are placed as the title. For example: One hundred years of solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
  • Text, comment, summary or quote. It is the content that you want to archive. It can be textual or a summary.
  • Bibliography. Include the author’s name, the title of the article or book, the publisher, and the date and place of publication. If it is a digital publication, the URL and the date on which it was consulted must be included.
  • Date of elaboration. It helps identify how current the content is and if it needs to be updated.

Types and examples of thematic cards


Includes excerpts and quotes from the works. It is always placed between quotation marks to indicate that it is a text prepared by third parties. At the end, it should be clarified who is the author and the name of the work or publication.

For example:


Qualification: The Russian Revolution

Keywords: Revolution, Russia, Romanov, Bolsheviks, Nicholas II.

“The revolution came to Russia in February 1917, and a month later Nicholas II, emperor and autocrat of all the Russias, abdicated and became just Nicholas Romanov. Eight months later, the Bolsheviks seized power and the royal family remained in their custody until the bloody night of July 1918 when all of its members were murdered, victims of a fate they had refused to see coming.

  • Bibliography: S/A, “The end of the Romanovs, the assassination of the last tsars of Russia”. In: https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/final-romanov-asesinato-ultimos-zares-rusia_13291/3. Page consulted on 08/11/2021.

It includes in a limited way content from one or more publications but in the words of the author of the file. In any case, the source from which the information comes must be specified.

For example:


Qualification: The Russian Revolution

Keywords: Revolution, Russia, Romanov, Bolsheviks, Nicholas II.

To the social inequality, the economic crisis and the violence of the tsarist soldiers was added the outbreak of the First World War (1914). The numerous defeats of the Russian army caused many to listen to the call of the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks to overthrow the Tsar. In February 1917 that call came true, when Nicholas II abdicated (Muy Historia).

Eight months after the abdication, the Bolsheviks seized power and guarded the Romanov family until July 1918, when they murdered all its members (National Geographic).


  • S/A, “The October Revolution: Russia is covered in red”. In: https://www.muyhistoria.es/contemporanea/fotos/la-revolucion-de-octubre-rusia-se-cubre-de-rojo. Page consulted on 08/10/2021.
  • S/A, “The end of the Romanovs, the assassination of the last tsars of Russia”. In: https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/final-romanov-asesinato-ultimos-zares-rusia_13291/3. Page consulted on 08/11/2021.

They repeat the content of a publication but with the author’s own words. In addition, it includes the interpretation of concepts and data that are not transcribed textually. The author adds value to the original material.

For example:


Qualification: The Russian Revolution

Keywords: Revolution, Russia, Romanov, Bolsheviks, Nicholas II.

The numerous defeats that the Russian army suffered during the Great War were the trigger for the Russian Revolution. But the arrival of the Bolsheviks to power is also explained by the anachronism of the political regime, social inequality, the economic crisis and violence by soldiers to the lower classes of Russia in those years.

Trotsky and Lenin were two of the figures who knew how to fill the power vacuum that was generated by the abdication of Nicholas II.


  • S/A, “The October Revolution: Russia is covered in red”. In: https://www.muyhistoria.es/contemporanea/fotos/la-revolucion-de-octubre-rusia-se-cubre-de-rojo. Page consulted on 08/10/2021.