Examples of Goals for a Curriculum (no experience)

Young workers

It’s called a curriculum, Curriculum vitae (CV) or also resume, a type of professional document in which a possible employer or contractor is provided with complete and detailed information on a person’s life journey, such as who he is, what he has studied, where he has worked and for how long , what talents do you have, how to contact you and many other information considered relevant.

One of these information is the objectives: short, medium or long-term goals that guide the person’s work and personal destiny. His ambitions, if you will, understood as a way forward and not so much as things to own.

Employers pay particular attention to this aspect of the CV when they want to get an idea of ​​the individual expectations and know where you have set your north. No company will want to hire an employee who doesn’t know what they want, as they might find out halfway through and walk away after spending their time and training effort.

The writing of these objectives should be short and succinct, to the point, without wasting the reader’s time and without using hackneyed phrases that don’t really say anything.

Types of objectives in a curriculum

The objectives referred to in a resume can be of various types, depending on the area to which they refer, namely:

  • Personal objectives. It is about the individual aspirations of the person, those ambitions that drive his life and that give him meaning for the future. As they are personal, almost intimate, they vary from person to person even more than work or professional ones, and they usually answer the question: How do you see yourself in the near future? They usually encompass the vital terms of marriage, family, life direction, long-term aspirations, etc.
  • Labor goals. They differ from personal ones in that they only concern professional matters, but they are no less individual for this reason. In fact, no one has the same career aspirations in life, or is comfortable working in the same places, or doing the same things, so these goals point to the question: What are you looking for in a job or in a company?

Goals in inexperienced resumes

Describing objectives is often difficult when you have no or no work experience in your aspiring area.

However, as we will see later, this is not at all an impediment when writing them, but quite the opposite: it is the opportunity to show interest and to highlight intrinsic values ​​of human nature (and especially of youth) as They may be:

  • Curiosity. A curious person can learn from any area that is proposed and will always know a little of everything.
  • Commitment. It is the most precious asset by companies and to which they aspire in every worker. Linking commitment to personal goals is always a good idea.
  • Versatility. Knowing how to do a little of everything or being willing to learn it is a value that is lost as an individual becomes hyperspecialized, but in a curriculum without experience it is a great success.
  • Responsibility. Indispensable to apply to any position. Honesty in dealing with the company will guarantee reciprocity on your part.
  • Eager to learn. A certain ambition is necessary to get started in any trade or professional career, and that implies wanting to learn new things. In no job will you want someone who refused to change and adapt; much less if you do not have experience yet.
  • Intelligence. Contrary to popular belief, intelligence has nothing to do with formal knowledge or complex scientific problems, but with the ability to adapt to problems that allows them to be solved more simply and efficiently.

All these values ​​can serve to sustain objectives personal and professional in the face of a curriculum without any experience.

Examples of personal goals for a resume

  1. “Settle down in the city and found a lasting home that eventually provides shelter for a medium-sized family.”
  2. “Explore my strengths and talents as an individual and acquire a greater knowledge of myself that can be put at the service of others.”
  3. “Establish relationships with colleagues and acquaintances that allow me to grow as an individual and contribute to the community in an original and meaningful way.”
  4. “To give others the opportunity to nourish themselves from my life experiences and to provide shelter to the needy, to the extent that I surpass myself in all areas of my life.”
  5. “Satisfy my needs and those of my family nucleus through professional activities that are connected to my personal passions.”
  6. “To develop my talent in an experiential and professional environment conducive to exchange, debate and the realization of complex and novel ideas.”
  7. “Guarantee the future well-being of my family and at the same time give back to a good extent to the society in which I operate.”

Examples of career goals for a resume

  1. “Earn a place in the professional vanguard of the sector through my effort, perseverance and experience obtained in previous jobs.”
  2. “Being part of a successful organization that not only achieves its own niche in the market, but also makes its presence felt positively in society.”
  3. “Continue my professional training in a company that values ​​my career and provides me with the necessary opportunities to test my talents and grow even more within a professional group of excellence.”
  4. “Establish professionally in a competitive organization, which allows me to contribute my experience and knowledge to a consolidated work team.”
  5. “To be part of the management of a successful company, oriented towards innovation, entrepreneurship and that can draw on my professional career to get a little closer to achieving its objectives.”
  6. “Offer my talents and professional knowledge to professionals and companies that require them and that establish with me a committed relationship of mutual benefit and recurring hiring, as we face the different scenarios that separate us from success.”
  7. “Consolidate my relationship with my professional area of ​​expertise through my joining an organization that provides its work team with opportunities for fulfillment, commitment and growth both professionally and personally.”

Examples of job goals for an inexperienced resume

  1. “Give continuity to what I have learned in my professional practices within a company that allows me to continue my professional training within your team.”
  2. “Entering the professional staff of a young organization that values ​​versatility and commitment and offers me growth opportunities.”
  3. “Join a work team where there is room for commitment, learning and curiosity, and where my academic journey is convenient.”
  4. “To be part of an organization that believes in human talent and work commitment, where I can put my abilities to the test and successfully repay the faith placed in me.”
  5. “To take my first steps in a consolidated company in the area of ​​my academic studies, to which I can offer my talents and with which to grow professionally”.
  6. “Establish myself in an organization that gives me job stability and that believes in the commitment and training of its workers.”
  7. “Finding a company in which to take advantage of my personal capacities such as responsibility, versatility, intelligence and the desire to learn.”