15 Examples of Resistance Exercises

The resistance exercises are those that stimulate the body’s physical endurance capacity in the face of sustained effort, through both aerobic or anaerobic efforts, as well as local (focused) or general (whole body) efforts. For example: free weights, runs and jogs, artistic gymnastics.

  • Aerobic resistance. To which maximizes the rhythms of breathing and oxygenation of the body allowing physical efforts for a long time. Through its exercise, the capacities of the respiratory and cardiovascular apparatus are enlarged.
  • anaerobic endurance. It occurs in the absence of oxygen supply to muscle tissue, through high-intensity efforts that should not last more than three minutes, and that enhance muscle response capacity, slowing down fatigue. This resistance can be of two types:
    • alactic. It is exercised through intense efforts of short duration (from 0 to 16 seconds) and with almost zero presence of oxygen, so the energy is obtained through other energy substrates that do not generate waste substances.
    • lactic. You exercise through low-intensity medium efforts (from 15 seconds to 2 minutes), during which you tap into energy reserves that produce waste substances (lactic acid) that induce much faster fatigue.

examples of resistance exercises

  1. body lift. One of the best known and oldest resistance exercises, in which one’s own weight is used to induce greater muscular resistance. They require neither equipment, nor much space, nor preparation. Examples of this are push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and push-ups.
  2. cables and pulleys. Also known as “machine” exercise, the effort is made against the weight of a ballast attached to a pulley. It is a common gym exercise, which requires a machine (pulley) and allows you to exercise a good number of muscles.
  3. free weights. A very common exercise that is performed with dumbbells or small weights, bars or clubs, or even a combination of all of them. The muscles are forced to deal with the extra weight to increase their endurance and also their power (strength).
  4. plyometric exercises. These are fast and explosive movement routines, usually aerobic, that increase immediate response and delay the onset of general fatigue. box jumps, slam dunk (basketball) and throwing balls are a good example of this.
  5. runs and jogs. The endurance exercise par excellence, running, requires the aerobic apparatus at its full capacity and puts the muscular endurance of the lower extremities to the test. In its variants of short (and intense) running, long running or marathon jogging, it is an extremely popular and demanding cardiovascular exercise.
  6. Swimming. Another great aerobic exercise, which by momentarily suspending the supply of oxygen and restoring it shortly after, increases the respiratory capacity to the maximum. In addition, the resistance of the water provides muscular power and tests the fatigue of the entire body.
  7. Cycling. Again, an aerobic exercise, focused on the lower extremities and cardiovascular and pulmonary capacity. The stationary or regular bike are ideal for these purposes and lead to good sustained resistance.
  8. dance and aerobics. While dancing isn’t always thought of as exercise, it is certainly a litmus test for breathing capacity, coordination, and overall body stamina. Along with aerobic routines, they are fun and social exercises that usually have many followers.
  9. TRX training. This is the name given to suspension exercises carried out with straps and handles, to use one’s own weight as a load and strengthen resistance and strength at the same time. However, they require special equipment and training and are not usually done outside the gym.
  10. Artistic gymnastics. Full-body anaerobic exercise that requires good endurance and balance to maintain rhythm and balance through spin sequences.
  11. Football. Considered both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, since it alternates periods of high intensity with sustained jogging, it is perhaps one of the most demanding sports in terms of physical resistance that there is. In addition, it requires a number of co-participants and is highly valued culturally today.
  12. Tennis. The so-called “white sport” also combines periods of aerobic resistance, in the middle of the movement sequence, with other intense anaerobic ones (when hitting the ball) that lead to increased strength.
  13. exercise circuits. Circuits are a set of short, low-intensity runs combined with push-ups and other exercises to create a fast-response cycle that must be done repetitively. They are extremely demanding exercises from the aerobic point of view and promote cardiac resistance.
  14. Yoga. Disdained by many high-impact athletes, yoga is a gentle way to exercise endurance while stretching your muscles. Since it employs frequent, slow breaths in the midst of highly demanding positions, it can be considered an excellent promoter of both aerobic and anaerobic endurance.
  15. cross fit. It is a physical conditioning system that uses various exercise routines of great variety, high intensity and functional movements, borrowing dynamics from other disciplines such as weightlifting, gymnastics or metabolic training. It is one of the most popular forms of training in certain gymnastic circuits that have the appropriate equipment and space for it.