20 Examples of Friendship

Man is a social and gregarious being. He generally seeks the company of other people, with whom he usually forms different emotional ties. Among these links is the friendship, that is, the attachment to other people that we get to know throughout life and with whom we feel comfortable, contained, understood. For example: friends from school, friends from work, pets.

Most people find it rather easy to make friends, even the smallest children, when they are in a sandbox or in the games of the square, they usually communicate with the other children and share elements and games.

As the years go by, friendly relationships gain ground in the life of the human being, and it is typically in adolescence when friendship emerges as an important part of the person’s life.

It is at that moment when the figures of the fathersAlthough important, they lose a bit of prominence in the mental and affective scheme of the young person, who feels that the world is “much bigger than his house” and who begins to realize that there are many more points of view about the things in life than those of your family members.

Then their teachers and especially their teachers come to occupy a very significant place. schoolmates, with whom he often shares many hours of study, but also of games and relaxed talks, in which the opportunity arises to talk about different topics. And usually these are the most enduring and endearing friendships of people.

Characteristics of friendship

It is common for friends to have common interests and opinions kindred on various topics, which does not mean that they must like exactly the same thing or that they must agree on everything. It is not necessary that they be fans of the same football team or sympathizers of the same political party.

The most important thing in friendship is to know how to give oneself from the heart to the other, to be sincere, to know how to listen to the other and to know how to give a word of support and of breath when you need it.

It is also very important not to fall into flattery nor in the flattery, and say frankly if one realizes that the friend is not proceeding accordingly, with oneself or with third parties, because it is not about blindly agreeing.

It is natural and positive that we want to share with our friends the happy moments and also the bitter ones, since the bad times are usually a little less bad if we are close to those who do us good, with their words or simply with their smiles.

It is obvious that friendship It does not arise by mandate or imposition of nobody, and it is not planned either; it can arise at any moment of life and it does so as something natural, but it always requires a quota of will to stay alive. Many say, quite rightly, that a friend is a chosen brother.

examples of friendships

  1. friends from school
  2. children and their pets
  3. friends on vacation
  4. The friends made on the graduation trip
  5. Imaginary friends in childhood
  6. friends from college
  7. military service friends
  8. The friends of the club where we practice a sport
  9. the coffee friends
  10. Friends made on blogs
  11. friends on the field
  12. friends from work
  13. The moms of preschoolers, who sometimes become friends
  14. Chess game friends
  15. Friends of the Retirement Center